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Monday, May 23, 2011

Alpha Post

Dear All,
Welcome to my first blog... This is my first attempt at blogging, so please bear with me in case of any mistakes, redundancies, etc. Initially, I was not at all interested in blogging, but I seriously do not know what made me get interested in blogging.... I gradually started getting an interest in this form of mass media.I think the main inspiration or rather the reason why I am here is my dad. He was the one who actually made me try my hand at blogging and goaded me into putting into use my good command over the English language and also my writing skills and creativity. Although I still am unsure of the future contents of this blog, I have just started it with an alpha post about why I started bloggingSo, all of you out there, please help me by giving your opinions, views and of course constructive criticisms as well. Looking forward to having a great time blogging out here...


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