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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Violence Behind Closed Doors

Domestic violence is frequently associated with mere physical abuse meted out to the spouse. This is in fact a very wrong notion. What people do not understand is that verbal abuse constitutes a large part of what we refer to as domestic violence. Domestic violence is also known as spousal abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV), etc. 
The impact that domestic violence can have on the relationship between the husband and wife is simply unimaginable. What starts off as a mere negative remark on say, the dress worn by either of the spouse can quickly escalate into a full blown showdown between the two. This can further get elevated into a series of frequent fights caused due to flimsy reasons.
It is very often verbal abuse that goes unnoticed and unobserved by family. This is because, while physical abuse leaves visible scars which are seen by all, verbal abuse never leaves behind any visible scars but the scars are imprinted in the mind forever. The scars left behind by verbal abuse leave the person scarred for life.
The scars left behind by verbal abuse result in the person losing confidence in one self, going into a shell, isolation from others, etc. Verbal abuse leaves a person emotionally weak and vulnerable. This is a time when such people should ideally be around people in order to avoid negative thinking. This also helps them regain their self-confidence and self-respect although it might be a very slow process.
Victims of verbal abuse very often put on a brave front and put up a facade of being happy when in fact they are at one of the lowest points of life. It is extremely important to ensure that these people are never made to feel left out and isolated. They should always be surrounded by a happy atmosphere which helps them come out of their shell and also regain their self-respect.

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