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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Crowd Funding

Crowd funding is a concept which until a few years back, was relatively unknown to the Indian population although it was quite popular among the people of other countries. Crowd funding is a very simple concept to understand. It is basically a process by which monetary contributions are invited from people in order to help generate funds for various projects, causes, etc. Crowd funding is now being used to fund various projects like films, campaigns for social causes, music albums, and a lot more. 
One of the most recent examples of crowd funding in Karnataka is that of the film Lucia directed by Pawan Kumar, an upcoming director. The film Lucia was produced entirely through the process of crowd funding. This sort of a process helps not only generate funds but also makes sure the director retains the complete control on how a film has to be made. This ensures that the creative sensibilities aren’t compromised for the sake of funds. It gives the director complete freedom to produce the film entirely based on his vision.
In the process of crowd funding, there is no concept of a single contributor or a single producer since many individuals come together to fund a single project. This is beneficial in a way because the entire burden doesn't fall on one person. This ensures that, in case of a failure of the project, the financial burden of the failure doesn't fall on just one person. Also, another advantage or benefit of crowd funding is the fact that each of the contributors feel personally involved in the project.
There are various websites where one can register and initiate a crowd funding process for a project. Some of the common crowd funding websites include kickstarter, crowdrise, pledgemusic, and many others. The process of crowd funding gives a good insight on how funding for projects work and helps understand the differences between a single contributor and multiple contributors. 

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